Franconian Onion Tart

Rating: 1.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the dough: Mix the dry yeast with the sugar and add to the flour. Melt the light butter and add to the flour with the egg, milk and oil. Knead until the dough has the right consistency for rolling. Roll out onto a floured baking sheet.

For the topping: saute the diced onions in the r butter, , until lightly browned. Mix flour with eggs and r sour whipped cream e until smooth. Mix with the onions. Season with salt and cumin (there should be enough of both). Then spread the onion mixture evenly on the rolled out dough. Spread the diced bacon evenly on top and place in the oven at 200 °C for about half an hour.

The best accompaniment is, of course, Franconian Federweisser (called new wine in this country). Depending on whether it’s a main meal or something else, the mass is just as long for more than 4 servings. In any case, it will fill a baking tray.

Apropos: This ‘turbo’ fermented dough is just as suitable for plum cake (of course more sugar) and the whole other yeasty.

Our tip: Use bacon with a subtle smoky note!

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