Vegetable Pancakes with Egg Spring Herb Spread

Rating: 3.08 / 5.00 (36 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 3.0 (servings)

For the vegetable pancakes:

For the egg spring herb spread:


For the vegetable pancakes with egg-spring herb spread, grate the vegetables and Parmesan. Add the spices, onion and finely chopped leek. Mix with the egg and breadcrumbs to a not too firm mass.

Shape into small loaves, roll in breadcrumbs and fry over medium heat until crispy. For the spread, stir the pots , yogurt with the spices until creamy. Add the eggs and the onion.

Finely weigh the spring herbs, add them. Season with vinegar and cucumber water. Use the watercress carefully that the spread is not too spicy.

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