Dim Sum – Xiao Long Bao

Rating: 3.61 / 5.00 (110 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the filling:

For the dip:


For Xiao Long Bao, first knead well for the dough 250 g of flour with the lard, a tiny bit of salt and 100 ml of warm water and let it rest for half an hour.

In the meantime, for the filling, remove the stems from the shiitake mushrooms and finely dice the rest. Finely dice the pak choi as well. Sauté both in a wok with a little oil and stir-fry until cooked through, without letting them color. This takes about 5 minutes. Then deglaze with the sake and let it evaporate.

Dice the crab tails very finely (almost like pureed, use a blitz cutter if necessary). Add to the cooled pak choi along with the other ingredients and mix well.

Divide the dough into 4 pieces and form each into a roll about 2 cm thick. Cut pieces of equal size from this roll. Roll each piece out thin and round with enough flour.

Place filling in the center and fold into enem dim sum. Proper xiao long bao have at least 14 folds.

Steam the dim sum in a bamboo basket for 10 minutes. Place this in a wok filled 2 inches high with water.

For the dip, mix all the ingredients together. Serve the Xiao Long Bao with the dipping sauce.

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