Monkfish Provençale with Cooked Melanzani

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


Garniture ProvençAle:


For the ‘garniture provençale’, sauté chopped shallot and chopped garlic clove in a saucepan with the olive oil.

Add the mushrooms and tomatoes, cook briefly and stir in the breadcrumbs. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper.

In the meantime, boil half of the olive oil together with the vegetable soup, a third of the shallots and half of the garlic, add the eggplant cubes (*), stir well, season with salt, cayenne pepper and balsamic vinegar. Make five min, then in a hand mixer form, and together with the whipped cream mash, return to the saucepan, stirring repeatedly bring to a boil and season.

Preheat the oven to 60 °C (fan 50 °C, gas mark 1).

Cut the skinned monkfish fillet into portions, season with salt and pepper. In a frying pan with the remaining olive oil, roast the medallions for four minutes on each side, remove from the frying pan and keep warm in the oven.

In the frying pan, sauté the remaining shallots with the remaining garlic. Add rosemary and extinguish with fish stock and white wine. Boil everything by half, then thicken with the cold butter and season.

Cover the fish fillets with the ‘garniture provençale’ and pour the hot sauce over them. Add the eggplant puree.

(*) At the last moment, remove the skin from the melanzane (it is best to do this with a sharp kitchen knife, a peeler does not work well) and cut into cubes.

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