Meat Dumplings

Rating: 3.55 / 5.00 (165 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

For the dough:

For the filling:


Prepare potato dough: Peel potatoes, cut into quarters and steam. Press potatoes onto a floured pasta board, spread butter in flakes on top and knead briefly with remaining ingredients to form dough.

Prepare the filling: Finely chop the onions, fry in oil, add the minced meat, fry briefly, bind with QimiQ and season.

Add water.

Form dough into a roll, cut into slices, spread filling on top, form dumplings and close tightly.

Cook the dumplings in salted water for approx. 10-15 minutes.

Take out the meat dumplings with a sieve scoop and serve.

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