Skate in Garlic Sauce

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


White garlic sauce:

From the Middle Ages:


(*) Today you can easily find skinned rays in the markets or at the fishmonger. Otherwise, it would be necessary to skin the skate at the beginning.

Cover the skate with tap water, add vinegar and salt (120 ml of vinegar and 12 g of salt per liter of tap water), boil, skim. Turn the flame very low and poach the fish for about a quarter of an hour, the tap water should boil barely visible on the stove.

Remove, cut out the bones, offer on a platter and pour the garlic sauce.

Preparation of the garlic sauce: separate the almond kernels from the shell, crush them or possibly chop them in a hand mixer, add the garlic cloves one by one while continuously pounding them.

Soak the bread crumbs in a part of the meat broth, mash them neatly, smooth them and add them to the almond-garlic paste. Beat this mixture, adding meat broth, until desired consistency is reached. Season with salt and season before serving.

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