1. defrost spinach. Rub salmon fillet dry, sprinkle with 2 tsp juice of one lemon, season with salt and season with pepper. Cut salmon lengthwise into 5 strips to fit inside cannelloni rolls. Lightly squeeze spinach, coarsely chop and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg (freshly grated) and mix with cream cheese.
Fill 5 cannelloni rolls each with salmon and spinach, respectively. Place filled rolls alternately in a greased gratin dish.
3. Bring 300 ml water and whipping cream to a boil, mix in packet contents of Kitchen Herb Sauce and make 1 minute. Season sauce with 1 to 2 tsp juice of one lemon, dill and pepper. Pour evenly over cannelloni. Sprinkle with cheese and cook in a heated oven at 200 °C (gas: level 3/ convection oven: 175 °C ) for 40 minutes.
Serve with salad and baguette or long-grain rice.
Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs, it is best to get kitchen herbs in pots – so you always have everything ready!