Marzipan Orange Stangerl

Rating: 3.89 / 5.00 (64 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For sprinkling:

For the chocolate glaze:


Grate marzipan with a fine grater. Cream butter with sugar until fluffy. Gradually stir in yolks, orange zest and marzipan. Finally, mix in flour and starch. Fill the mixture into a piping bag and pipe sticks or rings onto a prepared baking tray using a small, round nozzle. Bake in the preheated oven at 165 to 175 °C for about 10 minutes until light brown. Allow to cool. Dip half in chocolate glaze and sprinkle with pistachios or almonds.Chocolate glaze:Melt chocolate glaze over a water bath or in the microwave at very low heat. It should only be slightly warm. Dissolve coconut oil or butter in it and stir in.

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