Italian Burger

Rating: 3.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Salsa Verde:


Salsa verde:

Finely dice the shallot and garlic and sauté in a little olive oil with a pinch of sugar until slightly soft. Add the chopped capers, sweat briefly and extinguish with the juice of the lemon and perhaps with a little clear soup.

Season the marinade with chopped parsley, pepper & salt. If necessary, mix in a few shavings of shaved parmesan and pull.

Cut the cutlet meat into even slices and plate. Top with sage and add a slice of Parma or San Daniele ham. Flour and brown in oil on both sides over medium heat. Top with the mozarella slices and keep warm. Sauté the sliced tomatoes in the drippings.

Cut the ciabatta into four pieces, cut in half and spread with the salsa verde and warm in the oven. Take it out and maybe top it with a little bit of arugula. Place the cutlet and the tomato on top and fold shut.

Tip: Always use an aromatic ham, it will give a wonderful touch to your dish!

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