Indian Style Cod [12 Months and Up].

Rating: 3.14 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 3.0 (servings)



The Indian style cod, served with bananas as vegetables, is an exotic recipe that has become my daughter’s favorite dish very early on. So I can only highly recommend it to you. The preparation as suggested for cod is equally valid for hake, muraene and haddock.

Preparation : 5 min, cooking time 7 min.

Place the cod slices on a plate covered with cellophane or possibly a lid to cook for 7 min in the microwave on the highest temperature setting. Meanwhile, peel an onion under running water, chop it finely and roast it over a low flame in a frying pan with olive oil until golden.

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and add them to the onion. Finally, sprinkle the curry powder over the onion and tomatoes, add half a glass of water and simmer for a minute before adding the juice of a lemon and the cod slices. Just before serving, take out the unit for the baby (½ slice) and season for the adults with black pepper or – in case you like it very spicy with cayenne pepper. The best accompaniments to this dish are long grain rice, vegetable bananas and bean pods.

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