Doughnut Potato Soup

Rating: 2.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A steaming potato soup on the table – when it’s freezing and snowing outside. That’s a cozy, warm winter fantasy that can be conjured up into reality quite quickly. Helmut Gote says that the “old”, well-stored potatoes are now quite exceptionally suitable for this.

To begin, prepare the vegetables: Peel and clean everything, cut into pieces (even the green from the leek). Now form the whole thing in the hand blender and whirl it briefly two, three times in detail – then the vegetables should be chopped quite small, but flat not pureed. Pluck the marjoram leaves from the stems and tie the stems themselves together with twine.

Sauté the vegetables in the butter, add the marjoram stems and bay leaves, pour 1 l of water, let it all boil, season extensively with salt and season with pepper, then add the bacon whole. Simmer the vegetables for 15 minutes on low heat, while you remove the peel from the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Add them to the soup, and after another 20 minutes of simmering, they should be completely soft.

By then you will also have found the good old potato masher again, with which you now mash the soup exactly, after you have fished out the bacon, the bay leaves and the marjoram stalks from the soup.

9/Manuscripts/hi-dien-karoffelsuppe. Pdf

Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong flavor -.

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