Baby Recipe Millet Chocolate Cream with Banana

Rating: 1.88 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For A Toddler From 1 Year:


Towards the end of the first year of life, the teat is increasingly replaced by the spoon. Instead of the milk bottle, you can then make your baby a cereal porridge in the evening. Instead of oatmeal, try millet: it tastes mild and cooks faster than other cereals such as wheat, oats or barley.

Rinse the millet with hot water in a sieve, stir with milk, carob powder and hazelnuts, let it bubble up in a small saucepan and swell at low temperature for about 40 minutes. Remove the peel from the banana, add to the pulp form and blend briefly with a hand blender. Fill a dessert bowl with the creamy curd mixed with a teaspoon of water and put a few slices of banana sprinkled with the juice of a lemon as a garnish.

Cereals from: 50 g corn semolina with 0.2 liters of milk for 5 minutes, 50 g wheat, buckwheat or barley whole grain meal with 0.2 liters of milk at low temperature for about 15 minutes, perhaps 5 minutes to soak. Whole-grain rice cooks for about 40 minutes, so use rice flakes.

Tip: Use better chocolate – the more delicious the result!

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