Lamb Plait on Chickpea Puree with Leek Pralines

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



braid from it and fry in olive oil on both sides. Then finish with a flake of butter. Loosen the leek leaves and cut one part into large pieces.

Rinse the chopped leek leaves and blanch them briefly. Chop the mushrooms, fry them in oil, season with salt, add pepper and a little bit of whipped cream. Then roll them in the leek leaves to form pralines and toss them in butter.

Sauté the rest of the leek in oil, add the chickpeas and whipped cream, mash and season with salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.

Cut the melanzani into slices and fry in oil with paprika powder.

Put the chickpea puree in the center of a plate form and place the lamb plait on top. Arrange the slices of melanzana in a circle around the outside and use as a base for the stuffed leek pralines.

Finally, garnish everything together with basil.

the Jura in France.

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