Moussaka From Egypt

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (20 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the sauce:


_”Musa a”, eggplant casserole_

Melanzane are among the most important vegetables in Egypt and are part of many traditional dishes, which include mahshi (stuffed vegetables) and musa a (the Egyptian moussaka) – a casserole prepared with or without meat and eaten warm or cooled.


The melanzani is a defining vegetable of all the cuisines of the Mediterranean countries and the Near East. Originally native to tropical areas of China and India, Arab traders introduced the “egg fruit” to Europe as well in the 13th century. The wild form resembled an egg, was roundish and white and was therefore so named. Important cultivating countries are India, China, Turkey, Egypt. The fruits offered in summer and autumn in our country come mainly from Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey. In winter they often come from Israel and Morocco – and from Dutch greenhouses throughout the year.

Melanzane are nightshade plants, contain the alkaloid solanine and should therefore not be eaten raw. This bitter toxin can cause gastrointestinal problems, especially when the fruit is not yet ripe. Ripe melanzane are plump and feel heavy, the skin is shiny, spotless and smooth. The ripeness test: at finger pressure, the fruit should give a little. Overripe melanzane are brown inside and the flesh is spongy. After cutting open, the flesh discolors very rasc

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