Caramelized Vegetables

Rating: 1.60 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Peel and clean carrots and navets, leaving about 1 cm of the green leafy base on them. Cut the pumpkin into quarters. Place squash, carrots, navets in boiling water for 20 seconds and quench in iced water. Cut chicory into quarters and almost remove the stem, but leaving the leaves still together. Cut fennel to 8 cm size and cut in half. Cut the snow peas in half crosswise.

Put the vegetables in a sauté pan with a little bit of oil. Sprinkle with sugar and toss. Deglaze with the stock and reduce until the vegetables caramelize slightly. Add the cooled butter cubes and season with salt and pepper, a squeeze of juice from a lemon and a tiny bit of lemon zest.

Our tip: Use young, tender carrots!

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