Tofu Production – Silken Tofu

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (16 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Ingredients for about 600 g silken tofu:

Silken tofu is not pressed and has a consistency that lies between sour milk and yogurt. In our country, silken tofu is available only in very few Asian stores.

Cover the soybeans with water in a baking dish and let them swell for about 8 hours.

Then rinse the beans in a colander until thoroughly cooled.

Blend half of the beans with 3/8l of water in a hand blender for about 2 minutes to make a fine puree. Grind the remaining beans with water as well.

Fill the soy mixture into a press bag. Twist the press bag together and squeeze the soy mass over a saucepan with your hands until all the liquid has drained away.

Bring the soy milk to a boil in the saucepan and simmer over medium heat for about ten minutes, stirring throughout (the milk will boil over slightly).

Then pour the milk into a large enough bowl and stand with the lid closed for 5 min.

Stir the milk briefly with a wooden spoon. Add the juice of one lemon or the nigari and stir the milk for 1/2 min.

Then leave the milk to stand still, uncovered, for about 20 min.

Cover the curdled soy mixture with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 1 hour until firm. Whisk the silken tofu until hearty and use on the spot or keep in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

Tip: Silken tofu is exceptionally well suited for refining vo

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