Fish Casserole “Florentine Style

Rating: 3.59 / 5.00 (49 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Preheat electric oven to 180 degrees. Defrost spinach, sauté in the heated butter, season with salt and nutmeg. Wash the fish, pat dry, season with lemon juice, pesto and salt, place in a baking dish and spread the spinach over the fillets. Drain mozzarella, cut into slices, top with spinach and cook casserole for about 30-40 minutes (electric and natural gas oven 180 degrees/level 3, convection oven: 160 degrees). Serve garnished with colored pepper and, if desired, with pine nuts and lemon zest.

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